Septmber 2024

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To Hope and Act with Creation

Parish Mission Action Plan 2.0 Launched

Building on the success of the parish mission action planning process, a new Mission Action Plan 2.0 resource has been ...

New Diocesan Treasurer Appointed

At the end of June, Synod Council appointed Christine Morrow to serve as the diocese’s next treasurer and director of ...

In Praise of Ordinary Time

What is your favourite time of the liturgical year? My guess is that most people would put Christmas or Easter ...

Rainbow Kings and Queens Find Refuge in the Diocese of Niagara

When the newly formed Rainbow Kings and Queens had their first gathering in the Niagara Room at Cathedral Place in ...

St. Matthew’s House Launches New Strategic Plan

The board of directors and staff of St. Matthew’s House have developed a Strategic Plan for 2024 – 2029, which ...

The Deacon’s Bench: Gift New Beginnings

Do you remember the old song Que sera, sera? It was a song my mother used to sing to me. ...

Ordinary Discipleship Workshop an Extraordinary Event

“Thank you so much for your work to get Jessie there: I was blown away, very uncomfortable in the way ...

Exploring Important Topics with Crucial Conversations

This past June, the Church of the Apostles in Guelph piloted a new public forum called Crucial Conversations. Run as ...

Embracing Environmental Stewardship: My Journey with Climate Justice Niagara

I grew up in India, a country known for its vibrant culture, diverse landscapes, and rich history. India is a ...

Faith is a Dialogue, Rather than a Rant

Earlier this year yet another street-preaching Christian was confronted by the police, this time in England on London’s Uxbridge High ...

Cathedral Chats: Engaging Contemporary Issues

Cathedral Chats began during the recent pandemic as a way of connecting with the wider Hamilton community through topics of ...
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