A Christmas message from Bishop Michael

 on December 15, 2016

img_2675-adj-bird_christmasOur 2016 world needs to hear and respond once again to the true message of the first Christmas.

Like Mary, we as God’s people, living in varying world locations and under wide-ranging conditions, need to respond positively to the new challenges and missions to which God is calling us.

Like the shepherds, we need to hear God’s message of “peace on earth and goodwill to ALL people” daily, and then excitedly and with great hope broadcast the good news to a wanting world.

Like the Magi or wise men, we need to travel to those places, figuratively and literally, where our gifts of time, talents and treasures can be employed to make the lives of all God’s people as whole as humanly imaginable.

By so doing we are bringing God’s world to what God wants our world to be.

Susan joins me as we wish you and yours a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

+Michael Bird