Marilyn Bleach-Schranz writes:
We are the Women of Faith at All Saints Lutheran Anglican Church Guelph, a blended parish of two faith communities.
The ladies, along with Pastor Jeff Smith, meet bi-monthly. After a time of fellowship over a brown bag lunch, we have a short meditation, followed by a business meeting.
Our group is small in numbers (about 12, just like the Apostles), but big in spirit.
For parishioners who are sick, have surgery, are shut-in or grieving, we send a get well or thinking of you card. Those who are over 90 receive a birthday card.
At Christmas, our shut-in members receive gift baskets, personally delivered by our ladies. For shut-ins and those unable to get to church, we provide, at Christmas and Easter, transportation to church for a Eucharist, lunch and a small treat.
Fundraising events are organized so that we can donate to the work of Hospice Wellington, the Saturday Night Suppers (for the marginalized), the Read and Run Program (an incentive program for youth in poverty), the Community Market and other worthwhile projects. We also contribute to the needs of the church, such as supplies for the Altar Guild and the kitchen.
The past couple of years, our Mother-Daughter Dessert Party was extremely well received. The ladies were treated to decadent desserts and entertainment.
At various times throughout the year we also organize evenings with an interesting speaker from the community.
We are active with women’s groups from other faith communities.
Together with the ladies from Holy Rosary Church, we celebrated 500 years of the Reformation. The Catholic Women of St. Joseph’s Church invited us for their Christmas Banquet. Annually, we get together with other Women of Faith from the region of Kitchener-Waterloo, Elmira, Cambridge and Guelph, for a day of fellowship and spiritual enrichment.
To end our busy year, we have a social time over a potluck meal, hosted at a member’s country farm.
Women’s Groups
We want to hear from you.
ACW, Altar Guild, Mothers’ Union, Daughters of the Church and Women’s Auxiliary are some of the names of women’s groups in the Anglican Church.
Write a short piece about who you are and what you do in your parish (400 words or less) and forward to the Editor. Don’t forget to include photos.
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