Animals and Christmas

At St. James Dundas, the Reverend Jean Archbell blessed the rabbit held by Carleon Hardie. Photos: Submitted
 on December 16, 2017

Born in a stable, Jesus would have been surrounded and serenaded by the sounds of farm animals.

Their very presence provided warmth, comfort and soothing as the baby adapted to his new world.

The blessing of animals happens around the globe, as well as in many parishes in Niagara Diocese.

The animals pictured here symbolize their role at Christmas as part of God’s creation.

At St. James Dundas, the Reverend Jean Archbell blessed the rabbit held by Carleon Hardie. Photos: Submitted
hamilton pets
Karen Galer’s Sugar Bun met Gloria Howard’s Hobo for the first time at the blessing of the animals service at St. Michael’s and St. Gabriel Hamilton. Photos: Submitted