As we celebrate Pentecost, ignited by the irresistible love of Jesus and renewed by the Holy Spirit, Bishop Susan Bell invites you to pray the prayer of our diocesan Mission Action Plan:
Beloved God, we are your people called to walk a renewed path with Jesus. Be with us, your whole church, as we seek to rekindle and enliven our faith. Keep us firm in our commitment to reshape our culture and structures for mission and invigorate our social justice engagement, most especially the nurture and protection of your creation. Let the whole world see us living and lifting up the fullness of your love. Make new those things that have grown old; and bring wholeness to that which cries out for restoration. All this we ask through the Spirit of the Living God and in the name of the Christ who came among us, is among us and will come among us. Amen.
As we celebrate Pentecost
As we celebrate Pentecost, ignited by the irresistible love of Jesus and renewed by the Holy Spirit, Bishop Susan Bell invites you to pray the prayer of our diocesan Mission Action Plan:
Beloved God, we are your people
called to walk a renewed path with Jesus.
Be with us, your whole church,
as we seek to rekindle and enliven our faith.
Keep us firm in our commitment
to reshape our culture and structures for mission
and invigorate our social justice engagement,
most especially the nurture and protection of your creation.
Let the whole world see us living
and lifting up the fullness of your love.
Make new those things that have grown old;
and bring wholeness to that which cries out for restoration.
All this we ask through the Spirit of the Living God
and in the name of the Christ who came among us,
is among us and will come among us. Amen.
The official communications channel of the Anglican Diocese of Niagara.
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