Andrea Rowbottom
MACCWT is an acronym for Milton and Area Christian Churches Working Together — I stress the “working together” because that is central to who we are. We are a registered nonprofit organization of laity representing our local member churches.
At present there are 19 member churches. At one time there were 31 — but sadly churches do come and go.
Each church pays an annual membership of $400 (for a full membership). The fees support our annual projects which include a Christmas dinner for the less fortunate, Kids Against Hunger Milton, On the Way to Bethlehem Nativity Pageant, a colouring book and a directory.
In the past we had Milton Transitional Housing under our umbrella until they were well established and independent (and doing marvelous things).
In addition, the membership must cover printing costs, office supplies, insurance and the web-site.
Member churches each have a page on the MACCWT website. They are entitled to advertise upcoming services and activities. This in turn keeps everyone informed and gives an opportunity to support each other’s events.
The colouring book and directory costs are greatly supplemented by the sponsorships of individuals and local businesses. Three thousand copies of the colouring book are printed as our gift to all children who attend On the Way to Bethlehem, as well as the children of our local churches.
Fifteen hundred directories are printed each January for distribution to our churches, offices, prison, hospital and libraries. Each church has an allotted page ad about 3”x5” for church photo, service times, history and activities. This year I wish to include a list of local outreach activities offered by the churches. The directories are well received and replenished by request.
MACCWT has been a working group for 18 years.
The colouring book is 8.5″ x 11″, while the directory is 3.5″ x 8.5″ with the ads adjusted accordingly.
The colouring book ads are Nativity themed—Shepherds are individual sponsorships ($25 or more); Innkeepers are businesses who supply goods or services; Myrrh – $100 sponsorships; Frankincense – $200 sponsors (about a business card size) and Gold – $400 sponsorships given a ¼ page ad. Churches who support our special projects well over the annual membership of $400 are rewarded with a ½ page Magi ad.
The colouring book and directory truly represent our focus and commitment to work together in the name of Christ.
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Andrea Rowbottom is a member of Grace Church Milton.
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