The Reverend Michael Coren (a well known Canadian Journalist and Talk Show host) hosted a Question & Answer session with Bishop Bell and Bishop Cliff. The bishops were seated together on a large purple couch. They were asked a variety of questions:
About Youth
Bishop Susan: Young people don’t want to be entertained, they are looking for an authentic experience of Christianity. They want the full gospel experience.
Bishop Bill: They want authentic relationships. As a University chaplain I often turned up to “non-churchy things”. Then when crisis’ or opportunities arose – they came to the authentic person who has been showing up in their lives already.
About Evangelism
Bishop Susan: In a society where we have been pushed to the margins, we must articulate our faith again.
Bishop Bill: we seem to teach our children “just enough” about Jesus, to immunize them for the coming years … until they are facing their end days
About Knowing Scripture
Bishop Susan: Encouraged us to re-engage with scripture either by using the tools that are already available to us (Revive, Christian Foundations) or through discovering or creating other means.
Bishop Bill: Spoke to gospel-based discipleship in Indigenous communities, and the sacred circle practise of reading a particular passage of scripture three times and taking the opportunity to reflect and discuss.
About How We SHOW the Gospel and Not Just TELL It
Bishop Susan: Act with integrity and authenticity. To remember that you are the church, in the community.
Bishop Bill: Go into the world and show the deep joy you experience because of the gospel and each other. Once others see that, and strive to make it their own, they won’t buy into secular happiness any more.
The Reality of Post-Secular Canada