Cathy Jeanes
Create, oh Lord, create anew, a loving heart to beat for You.
Create, oh Lord, create anew, a loving mind to think of You.
Create, oh Lord, create anew, a loving ear to listen for You.
Create, oh Lord, create anew, A loving eye to look for You.
Create, oh Lord, create anew, A loving mouth to speak to You.
Create, oh Lord, create anew, A loving soul to be with You.
Cathy Jeanes is a member of St. Matthew on-the-Plains Burlington.
The official communications channel of the Anglican Diocese of Niagara.
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Create anew
Cathy Jeanes
Create, oh Lord, create anew,
a loving heart to beat for You.
Create, oh Lord, create anew,
a loving mind to think of You.
Create, oh Lord, create anew,
a loving ear to listen for You.
Create, oh Lord, create anew,
A loving eye to look for You.
Create, oh Lord, create anew,
A loving mouth to speak to You.
Create, oh Lord, create anew,
A loving soul to be with You.
Cathy Jeanes is a member of St. Matthew on-the-Plains Burlington.
The official communications channel of the Anglican Diocese of Niagara.
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