Participants at the Canadian Anglican Cursillo Triennial Conference this year will hear from the Primate and be able to attend several diverse workshops.
The Niagara Huron Cursillo Community is hosting the three day conference (June 22 – 24, 2018) at Renison University College in Waterloo.
Behold, I am doing a new thing (Isaiah 43:19) is the theme for the conference, which hopes to attract people from across Canada.
Cursillo, according to their press release, has proven to be a valuable tool to strengthen individuals in their purpose and everyday walk. “Our life styles have changed a lot since Cursillo was created in the 1940s and this scripture challenges us to look at our era and develop more relevant and effective programs.”
All participants will have a choice of two out of three workshops:
- Sister Elizabeth Ann Eckert, Novitiate Director for the Sisterhood of St. John the Divine Toronto, leads the session Discernment;
- Your Spiritual Autobiography to be led by the Reverend Canon Peter Davison from Niagara Diocese, and;
- Certified Labyrinth Facilitator Lori Haskings-Barber from Brantford will feature the workshop: Labyrinth.
Representatives from the Anglican Foundation, PWRDF, the Anglican Fellowship of Prayer and Sperlings Church Supply plan to be there.
At their Sunday morning business meeting the new Cursillo National Executive — the Canadian Anglican Cursillo Secretariat (CACS) — will be elected for a three year term.
Here’s a chance to meet people from all over Canada in a setting filled with prayer, praise, worship and new friends. If you haven’t already booked, pray about it now. Think about what “new thing” God could be calling you to do in your life, suggested Cursillo.
For more information go to
Submitted by Marion Bailey.
The Reality of Post-Secular Canada