Evolving Faith: Cultivating Hope in the Wilderness

 on May 13, 2021

The Bishop has announced that Sarah Bessey will be the featured speaker for this year’s clergy and licensed lay workers virtual conference in June. Sarah Bessey is the author of the best-selling and critically acclaimed books “Jesus Feminist” and “Out of Sorts: Making Peace with an Evolving Faith,” with her most recent book being “A Rhythm of Prayer.” She is a sought-after speaker at churches, conferences, and universities around the world.

After the conference, a virtual public event will take place on June 9 at 7 p.m. and all people in the diocese and the wider community are invited to attend! Sarah Bessey will take participants on a journey to Emmaus to discover hope that takes suffering and grief and injustice, our liberation and our joy and our wholeness seriously. To purchase your ticket visit the diocesan webpage.