
 on March 17, 2017

Genesis 16:1-15, 21:9-21

Not trusting God and taking matters into our own hands is something to which we all relate. I can.

It is through that process we learn about Hagar.

God promised Sarah and Abraham a son.

Rather than trust God Sarah, being past child bearing years, took matters into her own hands.

Hagar, an Egyptian – one of Sarah’s slaves – was given to Abraham to fulfill God’s promise. Their first son, Ishmael, was born.

Then havoc broke loose.

Hagar and Ishmael were banished from the tribe.

However, God did not leave Hagar. He heard her cry. When she searched for water in the desert God provided the well.

Hagar lived with Ishmael as a free woman.

I find it interesting that a Hebrew woman had an Egyptian slave when only a few years earlier it was the Egyptians who enslaved the Hebrews.

From Hagar we learn we are all God’s children, God hears our cry and we need not be ashamed of who or what we are.

Most importantly, we are truly loved.

Angela Rush, Burlington.