Letters – May 2019

 on April 24, 2019

Touched my heart

I just wanted to pass on how much I enjoyed reading your article, YOU and Easter Assurances. 

 It really touched my heart and made me feel like I was there. 

Angela Rush, Burlington

Personal Bible reading

I am writing in response to the Bible reading story (Reading the Bible in a year – Niagara Anglican, April 2019).

Many years ago, the Reverend Dianne Distler, who was taking pastoral counselling instruction, asked for people to be recipients. I contacted Dianne because I was suffering from great personal hurt.

We had months of very productive counselling sessions. What has continued all these subsequent many years since is me reading a passage from the Bible to hear/see what God is telling me or not.

To add to the meaning of this exercise, I write what God is saying to me and have kept these to be an integral part of my Christian faith practice.

I personally, find it most meaningful to use the weekly Sunday readings for my “What is God telling me?” Bible experiences.

They frequently even line up with what is happening in my life.

Judith Robertson, Christ’s Church Cathedral, Hamilton

Sad to read

I was very sad to read an article written by an Anglican priest in the April issue proclaiming that the resurrection of Jesus Christ did not occur. 

No wonder the Church is in trouble. 

The Reverend Lou Hays, Interim, Church of the Epiphany Oakville

A message of solidarity with the Muslim community of New Zealand from the Interfaith Council of Halton

Dear Members of the Muslim Community of New Zealand,

The members of our Interfaith Council here in Halton Region, Ontario, Canada, were deeply dismayed at the brutality of the terrorist murders in your two Christchurch mosques last week. We convey both our shock at this horror and terrific loss of life, as well as our sincere sympathy to you and yours during this time of grief in your community and your nation. We rebuke this attack by white supremacists and its Islamophobic underpinnings. 

The road to peace and prosperity in the world has many detours but the destination is clear. It is a vision of a better world born in the hearts and minds of collaborators around the globe — a vision based on sharing and developing the spiritual principles necessary for the betterment of society and the advancement of a worldwide civilization.

On behalf of all faiths represented by our council here in Halton Region, after our gathering this week as we prayed for those whose lives were lost and for peace in the days ahead, please accept our condolences and well-wishes as you move beyond this tragedy. We are with you in spirit and share the certainty that we must not despair but work together to sow love for all.

Rabbi Stephen Wise, Chair, Interfaith Council of Halton

IFCH -Logo

The Interfaith Council of Halton (interfaithcouncilhalton.com)consists of representatives from eight major faith groups—Baha’i, Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Sikhism, Zoroastrianism— which meet in the Halton Region.

The IFCH was formed after the events of September 11, 2001 in response to the recognized need for greater awareness and understanding amongst the people of our increasingly diverse community. 

During our journey of discovery, we have come to learn that despite the many different practices and rituals of various faiths, the essence of our core values is the same. 

The Golden Rule of treating others the way we would like to be treated, which is shared by all religions, is a primary example that demonstrates this principle.