by Ann Turner
The website defines the wee, local libraries popping up all over the place as “a ‘take a book, return a book’ free book exchange.”
They come in many shapes and sizes, and St. James Fergus thought a tiny chapel was the perfect design for our own Little Free Library. Fiction, non-fiction and children’s books are all part of the library stock, and it changes quite regularly!
St. James is committed to reaching into our local community and discovering ways to connect. The Little Library has been a successful means of contact. Oftentimes, before our community meals (weekly lunches and monthly dinners), readers are “caught” exploring the library and finding a new read for the coming days.
Located kitty-corner to our local hospital, we also enjoy bookish encounters with hospital visitors and staff.
In the process of registering our library with the Little Free Library organization, we will soon receive our charter number and be registered on their world map!
A few fun facts we’ve collected from the Little Free Library community include:
- 74% of people report they’ve read a book they normally would not have read because of a Little Free Library;
- 73% of people say they’ve met more neighbours because of a Little Free Library;
- 92% of people say their neighbourhood feels like a friendlier place because of a Little Free Library.
Our Little Free Library stands outside the parish office and is easily accessible to anyone looking for the next great read!
The Reverend Ann Turner is Priest-in-Charge of St. James Fergus.
The Reality of Post-Secular Canada