Matthew 5:14-16 – Light of the world

 on March 1, 2018

Jesus says to “let your light shine before others.”
It is easy to let your light shine in the presence of fellow Christians, but does your light still shine as you go forth after Sunday service?

Much of the world today walks in darkness.
We are called to bring light to the darkness of loneliness, fear, discord and despair. We are called to be the Christ-Light so that others may come to know the Lord Jesus. As you go forth today, remember that with your presence … you may be the only scripture someone reads; you may be the only gospel someone hears; you may be the only Christ-Light someone encounters.

Even the smallest light can drive away the shadow of someone’s dark night. Jesus bids us shine … you in your small corner, and I in mine.
(“Jesus Bids Us Shine” is a children’s hymn. Words Susan Bogert Warner and music Edwin Othello Excell).

The Reverend Deacon Sister Mary Catharine Robertson
, St. Paul’s (Glanford) Mount Hope.