Matthew 5:17-20 – Teaching about the Law

 on March 2, 2018

When Jesus began to teach his disciples about living a new standard of behavior according to his message, it must have appeared to be very different from the Jewish culture at the time.

Jesus was quick to assure them that his new mission would not abolish what the disciples already knew about the law, but would enhance it.
He told the disciples—and tells us still—how to answer God’s call and live our best lives as his faithful followers, doing his will, not ours.

In our covenant with God, we must obey the words, but also follow them into action.

Our righteous behavior ensures that, when we keep our promises to God, we live in the sincere hope of the future coming of the kingdom.

By walking in the way of Jesus, we will show a good example for others to follow.

We need not compare ourselves to anyone but Jesus. He and he alone sets the standard to which we must strive.

The Reverend Deacon Nancy McBride, 
St. Paul’s Caledonia.