By the time the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination rolls around on March 21 this year, every priest and deacon in the Diocese of Niagara will have received a full day of anti-racism training.
The training is a direct result of the work undertaken in response to the murder of George Floyd in 2020. Bishop Susan Bell tasked an Anti-Racism Working Group with determining the best way forward in making a commitment toward equity, diversity, and inclusion, particularly as it pertains to anti-Black racism.
The result is a team of committed volunteers from the diocese, backing up a professional antiracism trainer, Adam Benn, from Queer Positive Power. The team includes Winston Tinglin, St. Christopher’s, Burlington; Nikola Zhang, rector, St. Michael’s, Hamilton; Deirdre Pike, Diocese of Niagara; and the group’s chaplain, Katherin Morgan, rector, Church of the Resurrection, Hamilton.
Initially, the training was pilot tested last April by 25 senior clergy and staff in the diocese. The changes made as a result of the pilot training have led to a solid curriculum of training which has been received very well. Some of the topics include: How Colonialism has Shaped our Understanding of Race/Racism; Group Scenarios on Stereotypes, Prejudice, Discrimination and Oppression; The Racial Iceberg: Overt and Covert Forms of Racism; Anti-Black Racism in Canada and in the Anglican Church; Intersectionality, Power and Privilege—Power Flower; Microaggressions; and The Three As—Being an Ally, Advocate, and Accomplice.
Using the clericus meetings as a way of accessing clergy all in one place, the first session was held in the Greater Wellington region back in October. Brock and Lincoln combined for a session in November.
February will see the clergy from Trafalgar have the training, and then Hamilton Haldimand will wrap up the year-long process in March. Each year going ahead, there will be an annual session for new clergy and deacons.
For more information, contact Deirdre Pike, Justice and Outreach Program Consultant. [email protected] or 905-536-0171.
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