Niagara Synod gathers in early November

 on October 24, 2018

Delegates from parishes across Niagara Diocese will meet for a one-day Synod on Saturday, November 3.

This Synod will be Bishop Susan Bell’s first as Niagara’s Diocesan Bishop. The theme, chosen by Bishop Susan, is “See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?” (Isaiah 43)

Highlights include an Anglican Foundation presentation, an update on the Cathedral Place Revitalization Project, a review of Niagara’s Companion Diocese Relationship with Cuba, reports from Provincial Synod and a celebration of Niagara’s Vision.

Synod members will also review the 2017 audited statements and consider the 2019 budget.

Greg Tweney is to be inducted as Chancellor of Niagara Diocese during this Synod.

“We look forward to gathering together as God’s people in the Diocese of Niagara,” said retiring Secretary of Synod the Reverend Canon Marni Nancekivell.

Watch for Synod coverage in the January 2019 Niagara Anglican.