Nurturing Opportunities for Children & Youth

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 on February 2, 2021

Sparking Children’s Faith

Since January, the diocese has been offering weekly online “Sunday” School programming for children in grades 1 to 5 to explore scripture that follows the lectionary pattern. Gathering virtually through Zoom on Wednesdays from 4:00 p.m.– 5:00 p.m., the program will continue to run through the middle of June. These weekly lessons, offered by Children, Youth and Family Ministry leaders, promise to include faith formation, fun, creative opportunities, and a safe space to ask questions. 

Why Believe? Youth Confirmation Prep

A new and exciting four-week course launches this spring for youth across the diocese. Why Believe? is not your typical confirmation class, but rather an invitation for youth who are curious or interested in exploring Christianity, the Anglican Church, sacraments, and confirmation. The weekly Zoom gatherings held Wednesdays in March (March 3, 10, 24, 31—no meeting in March Break) from 6:30-8:30pm will feature guest speakers, including Bishop Susan Bell. Led by Donna Ellis and Sarah Bird, youth will have the opportunity to deepen their relationship with God, learn how the Holy Spirit works within our daily lives, and connect with new people. The process of this course does lead to confirmation; however, participants are free to discern whether they feel called to confirmation.

For more information about either of these programs, please email Sarah Bird, program consultant for children, youth, and family ministry at [email protected].