by Rebecca Utz
“We are called by God to be a Christian family in worship, joyous fellowship and commitment to our community”.

New Rector the Reverend Tom Vaughan and parishioners of Holy Trinity Welland look forward together to fulfilling this mission statement with spiritual inspiration, integrity, teamwork and joyous camaraderie.
Holy Trinity understands the world has changed and the church is being called upon to find new and different ways to bring the Gospel alive where God’s people dwell. There will be an emphasis upon the development of meaningful relationships as disciples of Jesus Christ are invited, nurtured and formed.
Starting this month a weekly study of the “Essential 100” Bible passages will illuminate the big picture of God’s word. Educational and spiritual growth will continue with monthly movie and discussion evenings. Similarly, extended or refined themes will be addressed or incorporated in homilies to further enrich and enhance experiences with Biblical referencing. Sermons are attempts to be engaging and informative with a conversational style. Children, included in the Sunday worship, will be treated to the appearance of Tom’s puppet, Bishop Cuthbert. This special puppet (who looks a lot like Ernie from Sesame Street) —a big hit in previous parishes—has been known to appear when Bishop Michael Bird is visiting.
The new Rector can be found at the Church in happy fellowship with volunteers making meat pies for sale at the “Waffles ‘n More Café” or enjoying a Saturday morning breakfast in the Café, chatting with Church members and community customers. He greets the various groups that regularly use the Church facilities for instructional community programs, social activities or exercise fun. An every member/family visitation is a primary goal for Tom, commencing in the autumn.
Enthusiastic participation has already begun in his ministry with the existing congregational outreach programs. Tom is supportive and eager to participate in the new “Trinity Cares” outreach, which addresses the temporary needs of ill or elderly members with friendly visits while delivering hot bi-monthly meals. The “Hygiene and Food Cupboard” program supplies necessary items for members of the community on a monthly basis—this much appreciated initiative and ministry will continue.
Holy Trinity’s 160th anniversary will be celebrated on October 28, 2017 in the knowledge it has maintained a legacy of faith and commitment to its congregation and to the Welland community. Tom and his family are excited to be part of this memorable moment in the history of the building, the people and their ongoing Christian mission.
The new saying is … we are older than Canada but that does not prevent us from having new ideas to share!
Rebecca Utz is a member of Holy Trinity Welland.
The Reality of Post-Secular Canada