St. Matthew’s House invites people to join the 412 Barton Street Campaign

 on December 22, 2022

St. Matthew’s House, a charitable, non-profit multi-service agency in Hamilton, is seeking donations supporting their ambitious capital campaign for the 412 Barton street project (also referred to as 4Twelve). Through the project, 412 Barton street will be transformed into 15 affordable rental units intended for seniors facing homelessness, with a special focus on Indigenous and Black older adults. 50 per cent of the units will be designated for women.

“We hope that The 4Twelve will serve not only as a safe housing solution for our clients but will be a model of what is possible—the start of many more projects like this for St. Matthew’s House,” said Renée Wetselaar, executive director of St. Matthew’s House, in a press release.

Through the capital campaign, St. Matthew’s House is seeking to raise one million dollars, which will fund the completion of each unit, including furnishings as well as laundry and storage facilities. The capital campaign will also fund a community food security centre and 24-hour wraparound support.

“This initiative is the culmination of all of St. Matthew’s House’s efforts in community building since it began in the 1960s,” said Brent Bentham, chair of the capital committee overseeing this project, in a press release. “This is a project where our compassion has merged with the foresight of our Federal government to address a pressing need.”

St. Matthew’s House welcomes you to become a champion of this capital campaign.