The Bishop’s Advent Message

Photo by George Becker on
 on December 1, 2021

As we light the candles of Advent and make our sacred journey through the darkness of this season, we are reminded once again of both the beautiful and the profoundly difficult of this world.

We are especially called to remember that, in all things, the world has been redeemed by Jesus, the light of the world.  And we are called to wait—and work and be ready for God’s promise to be fulfilled. And it’s in that light that we put our trust and our hope.

So, while the rest of the world gets their retail on, we are getting out our beautiful and hope-filled Advent blues. With them, we are invited to enter an intentional time of introspection and preparation and examination: a time to mull over our commitment to the One who is coming: Jesus Christ, the Son of God and Saviour of the world.

In this time of global crisis, the ways in which we are being called to life and compelled to love are innumerable. To be the hearts and hands of Jesus and to do our best to work for transformation in this world may seem like an especially tall order, if not an impossible one these days.

But this I know with my whole being: that when God shows up, everything changes, and the impossible becomes possible.

And here’s the thing: God shows up, again and again.

As we move towards the miracle of the Nativity, may we have eyes to see the world differently and to walk in the light of God more deeply, more fully, and more faithfully as believers in the One who has come, is coming, and will come again—and all the wonderful promise it holds for our world.

Blessings to you this Advent.


  • The Right Reverend Susan Bell serves as the 12th Bishop of Niagara. A strategic, mission-centred, spiritual leader, Bishop Bell strives to listen and watch for where God is at work in the church and the world and then to come alongside that work to further the Way of Love.

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