Unique features at deacon’s ordination

Thanks to internet streaming, people in Ireland were able to see and participate instantly as Janice was being ordained in Canada. Photo: Hollis Hiscock
 on March 3, 2017

Nine relatives and friends, sitting in a house in Ireland, watched as Janice Mary Maloney-Brooks was being ordained a deacon in Christ’s Church Cathedral in Hamilton, Canada, over 5,000 kilometres away.

Perhaps this was the first live streaming of such an occasion.

Another unique feature was Janice’s deacon stole, knit by many people representing the various communities where she studies, lives and works.

In the ordination bulletin Canon Christyn Perkons described the meaning of Janice’s stole.

Photo: Tara Madison

Janice continues her diaconal ministry at the Church of the Ascension and with the Seafarers Mission, both in Hamilton.