Heather O’Connor writes …
Our ACW group consists of all the ladies of our parish.
Our meetings are once a month, except for the summer. On average we have about 11 ladies per meeting. In the winter months nobody likes to venture out on cold nights so we meet in the afternoon, while in the better months, early evening.
We have multiple fund raisers.
One of our biggest is our Easter Egg making event. We spend a full day at our President Debi Clarke’s home making opera cream, peanut butter eggs, chocolate covered peanuts, almond bark and many other treats. Last year, after expenses we made over $1,000.
We also sell Christmas wreaths, spring flowers and church calendars.
Another fund raiser is making over 100 loaves (lemon, pineapple, apple cinnamon) to sell at our annual bazaar. At Pearl Butler’s home and under her direction, we make them over several weeks. We also make various crafts to sell at our bazaar in November.
At our Lenten meeting in 2017, we made Anglican rosaries.
We participate in many outreach activities in which the church is involved. Our biggest last year was a Canada 150 celebration lead by Adele Reynolds and Pat Hemingway. We also participate in World Day of Prayer.
We have speakers from the community come and talk to us on interesting topics. If anyone has been on a trip of interest, we enjoy a presentation by the traveler with their pictures.
We have no set plans for our future and over the years many ladies have come and gone, but we have a wonderful group of women with a passion for St. Elizabeth’s. Any way that we can help sustain our church and community, we are on it.
Women’s Groups – We want to hear from you
ACW, Altar Guild, Mothers’ Union, Daughters of the Church and Women’s Auxiliary are some of the names of women’s groups in the Anglican Church.
Write a short piece about who you are and what you do in your parish (400 words or less) and forward to the Editor. Don’t forget to include photos.
The Reality of Post-Secular Canada