Your chance to step on the wider church stage … An invitation from the Anglican Church of Canada

 on June 6, 2019

Are you interested in offering your skills for the ministry of the General Synod through its Coordinating and Standing Committees?

Please read further to see how that may happen.

Nominations at General Synod

One of the triennial acts of the meeting of General Synod is to elect members to the various Standing and Coordinating Committees which oversee the work and planning of the many and varied ministries of the General Synod. 

A Nominating Committee, appointed by the Council of General Synod, toils away night and day at General Synod, receiving nominations from across the church, and preparing recommendations for the Synod to receive.

It is so important for these Standing and Coordinating Committees to represent the length and breadth of our church from coast to coast to coast. For the most part, those elected by General Synod need not be members of General Synod, so nominations are sought far and wide.

Indeed, the more diverse the membership, the better the work, often! 

I was lucky enough to be a member of different Standing Committees (as they used to be called) or Coordinating Committees (as they are now called) over the years, and I always found those experiences to be rich and rewarding – challenging me, and putting to use my good senses and my creativity, such as they are.

So, we invite you to nominate yourself and/or nominate others. 

Nomination forms, along with descriptions of the work of the committees and some of the skills/abilities that would be helpful for committee members, will be available online at or from your own diocesan synod office.

Peter-Wall21-237x300The Very Reverend Peter Wall is Dean of Niagara and Rector of Christ’s Church Cathedral Hamilton. He is also Deputy Prolocutor and Chair, General Synod Planning Committee.

The committees that will be elected at General Synod are:

Standing Committees:

  • Pensions and Financial Management (note: The Pensions Committee is the only committee elected by General Synod solely from among the members of General Synod).

Coordinating Committees:

  • Communications
  • Faith, Worship and Ministry Partners in Mission
  • Public Witness for Social and Ecological Justice Resources for Mission

When forwarding a name to General Synod for election, the Nominating Committee will take into account the following:

  • Geographical representation and reflecting the diverse groups and individuals within the church and society.
  • Expertise, experience and interest in the areas related to the particular focus of the committee. 
  • Knowledge of and commitment to the General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada.
  • Ability to work collaboratively and consultatively.
  • Committed to full participation in the work of the committees, including being prepared to commit to the meetings of the committees, either face-to-face, by telephone or by video- conference (some committees meet quite frequently by phone or video-conference) and to work on sub-committees or task groups as needed.
  • Possess gifts in listening and discernment.