Anniversary Fund Will Invest in Priestly Formation

Bishop Susan announces Anniversary Curacy Fund at the 150th Anniversary Dinner
 on December 4, 2024
Dani Leitis

At Synod, Bishop Susan Bell launched a special endowment fund to mark the diocese’s sesquicentennial. This 150th Anniversary Curacy Fund has been created to support the training and formation of priests throughout the diocese.  

“This fund will make it possible long into the future for us to provide appropriate training for newly ordained clergy,” said the bishop. “We will keep building it all through this anniversary year – and beyond – because it is something that truly benefits the whole diocese.” 

The vision of the anniversary fund is to better equip newly ordained clergy who would benefit by working alongside seasoned priests allowing for a focused time of apprenticeship, also known as a curacy. Not all parishes can afford a second priest, so the hope of Bishop Bell is to provide parishes with financial support to underwrite the costs of training and forming new priests in a variety of ministry contexts, typically over a two-year period. 

“When your parish needs a new priest, with your help, I’ll be able much more easily to provide one who is formed and supported by the donations of many,” stated Bishop Bell in her charge to Synod. “That’s our Anglican Church at its best!” 

Canon Drew MacDonald, stewardship and campaign advisor, agreed, observing that this diocesan initiative will be a blessing to the Church for generations.  

“We will welcome, honour, and celebrate all contributions; I might suggest a gift of $150, or perhaps $1,500 in keeping with the 150th anniversary of the Diocese of Niagara,” said Canon MacDonald. “Maybe some might even consider a monthly pre-authorized gift of fifteen dollars a month or even $150 or a larger legacy gift.” 

During the Synod, Bishop Bell reported that she was already “deeply humbled by a legacy gift a quarter of a million dollars toward this new Curacy Fund made in our anniversary year.”  

Equipping right skilled and well-formed spiritual leaders has been a key priority for the bishop. “It’ll be here long after we’re all gone to ensure that parishes receive the best formed priests we can muster.” 

If you would like to make a legacy gift to this fund, or to the diocese in general, please be in touch with Canon Drew MacDonald at [email protected].

Donate to the Anniversary Curacy Fund
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  • The Venerable Bill Mous serves the diocese as the Archdeacon of Niagara: Executive Officer and Secretary of Synod.

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