As we prepared to start the season of Lent, a team from Christ’s Church Cathedral participated in the annual “Coldest Night of the Year” (CNOY) walk on Saturday, February 26, 2022. This walk gave us the opportunity to have time together, to learn, to give, and to reflect.
We are proud to report that our team consisted of 18 people and two dogs. We were able to raise, so far, $4,125 for Helping Hands Street Mission.
CNOY is a national fundraiser hosted in more than 150 communities across Canada. The following are reasons why people walk and raise funds for CNOY:
- To declare our concern for people who have no safe, secure home.
- For those whose days are a battle to house and feed their families and whose nights are filled with fear and frustration.
- For those driven from home by violence and abuse. And we walk for people overwhelmed by isolation, guilt, and despair.
- We walk humbly, realizing that anyone can lose their footing and then lose everything else.
The Helping Hands Street Mission is one of our neighbours on Barton St. E. in Hamilton. Their mission is: “Reaching out together, with love and respect, in Jesus’ name.” The Helping Hands Street Mission operates a store and program centre. They reach out to, and invite in, anyone who needs a place to belong, to learn, to help, and to grow, while also providing tangible necessities (clothing, hygiene products, etc.) if required.
As a Christian organization they believe that each person is made in God’s image, and as such, has intrinsic value and dignity; that each person has something to contribute and is needed in community; and that God cares equally for all people and wants to welcome each person into a relationship.
Participating in this year’s walk gave our Christ’s Church Cathedral team an opportunity to walk together in hope and to learn more about the vital services so close to our cathedral on Barton Street. The services all provide support to people dealing with hurt, hunger or homelessness in different ways:
- Hamilton Public Library, Barton Branch
- 541 Eatery & Exchange
- St. Matthew’s House
- Helping Hands Street Mission
- The Bridge
- Indwell
- Sacajawea Non-Profit Housing
- The Baby Depot
Thank you to all our supporters and walkers. Christ’s Church Cathedral is making a difference as we live our mission to offer community, compassion and hope.
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