A year in pictures: St. John’s Ancaster bicentennial

 on February 1, 2017

St. John’s Ancaster launched their parish’s 200th anniversary celebrations on Advent Sunday 2015 (Niagara Anglican, November 2015).

Over the ensuing months, many activities enabled people to express their gratitude for people’s faith and action of the past, and to renew their mission and commitment for the future.

The 200th anniversary culminated with a gala dinner at the Hamilton Golf and Country Club on November 5, 2016.

Mary Mellish shares some pictorial highlights from the past year.

November 9, 2015 – The Bicentennial Banner was unveiled to the admiration of the Thursday morning congregation.
June 1, 2016 – “Bevy of Beauties”, a tongue in cheek fashion show celebrated women of the Bible, including Delilah (Gwen Marsh) prepared to give Samson a haircut. The money raised from ticket sales was donated to the Native Women’s Centre of Hamilton.
May 15, 2015 – St. John’s celebrated Pentecost with Rector David Pickett, Bishop Michael Bird, Primate Fred Hiltz and the Reverend Renée Desjardins. The flowers for this special service were provided by the Garden Club of Hamilton.
Edith Austin and Christine Bernal-Twist toured the Fair Linen display. Both are long- time members of the Cathedral Needlework Guild and have created many altar linens for churches throughout the Diocese. Edith passed away in November—our condolences to her family.
September 18, 2016 – past parishioners were invited back for a special Homecoming service and reception. It was also the last Sunday at St. John’s for Rector David Pickett, before he left for his new parish in Calgary. Greetings were brought from all three levels of government. Virginia Raymond and Pauline Maue enjoyed the Homecoming reception.
May 11, 2016 – The “Joy of St. John’s” lily, specially created by The Potting Shed in Dunnville, arrived for distribution. Bill Van Dyk, Wanda Perdue, Joyce Radford and Carol Giggey participated.
June 12, 2016 – in conjunction with Ancaster Heritage Days, St. John’s was opened for a church and churchyard tour, Fair Linens display and English- style tea. Walking through the churchyard enabled people to learn more about Ancaster’s history.

St. John’s Ancaster 
Parish Prayer

This prayer is said at every liturgy we celebrate. Wherever you are, your prayers for the ministry of the people of St. John’s would be appreciated.

Gracious God, in Jesus you call humanity to reconciliation and wholeness.
You call us to love you, to love one another and to walk humbly with you.
May our ministries at St. John’s reflect your compassion and mercy, your wisdom and justice, your generosity and welcome to all. May all we say and do reflect your abundance and your grace. Amen.