Winter growth

Happy New Year. As we enter the 2018 time and space allocated to us by the rhythm of seconds, minutes, days and months, those three


God’s name – I AM – flashed across the electronic sign spanning a four lane major highway. I almost somersaulted inside my vehicle. Reversing while

How to remember them

At the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, people gather around cenotaphs. They wait for the trumpeter to herald the moment

Who is Jesus to me?

It all started innocently enough. I was preparing a sermon/homily on the Gospel (Matthew 16:13-20) where Jesus probes his disciples, “Who do people say that

2 Js and 1 U

Let me illuminate the headline. 2 Js are Jesus and Jonah. 1 U means you … or me or us or everybody. I wandered into

Summer – a season for new insights

Summer changes attitudes, behaviours and perceptions. With relaxed timetables, variations in venues and more leisurely approaches regarding daily routines, we can gain new insights into


Forgiveness is a journey, rarely a destination. This realization brought me a new perspective regarding the encounter between Peter and Jesus when Peter asked, “How

My Easter includes every person

I mean EVERY PERSON—not just those who follow a particular lifestyle or worship, adhere to a particular ideology/philosophy/theology or practice any restrictive human limitation. Now

Unique features at deacon’s ordination

Nine relatives and friends, sitting in a house in Ireland, watched as Janice Mary Maloney-Brooks was being ordained a deacon in Christ’s Church Cathedral in

The hand as a sacrament

The hand inhabiting 25% of the left quadrant of my television screen on January 20th, 2017 captured my attention, like a wee nail drawn to

Ordained – Two languages, one Church

Spanish and English words dancing together resounded throughout Christ’s Church Cathedral Hamilton, fashioning a unique worship service. Bishop Griselda Delgado de Carpio of Cuba and

HOLLIStorial: A letter from Mary

My dear friends: I’m sitting in our temporary lodgings in Egypt—a foreign country—but I’d rather be home in Nazareth. However, while hugging Jesus close to

“I’m only a shut-in”

“I don’t get out anymore, so I cannot do much for you or the church,” she lamented as tears inched closer to the corner of

Church-community gardens: symbols of harvest

They spring up almost anywhere. Wherever a slice of arable land exists, people visualize the harvest and set about tilling, sowing, watering, weeding and nurturing