An Open Letter to the People of Niagara

Dear Friends, So we’ve all read the statistics and we’re in shock.  But are we really?  I rather feel that the “bombshell” of the National

A Year-Long Celebration

by Beryl Martin The congregation of St. David’s (Welland) embarked on a year-long celebration of our 70 years of ministry beginning on St. David’s Day

Diocesan Staff Retirements

The Venerable John Rathbone Archdeacon John Rathbone, who has diligently served as our diocesan archivist for more than a quarter of a century, will retire

Done and Left Undone

by Archdeacon Val Kerr Being in a relationship can mean we open ourselves to being hurt. We find out our friend has gossiped about us,

Elders For Climate Sanity

by Rose Jansen “My granddaughter tells me she will not be having any children because the world will be too awful by the time her

Synod Council Update

At its final meeting of 2019, Secretary of Synod Bill Mous expressed thanks to members for their leadership, and thanked outgoing members. Canon Christyn Perkons

Mission to Seafarers

In 1836 the Reverend John Ashley, looked out his window at the Bristol Channel. There were many steam and sailing ships at anchor and many

Equal Marriage In Niagara

by Lorenzo Cromwell The Synod of the Diocese of Niagara has declared its full support of equal marriage. This expression of unity, gives acknowledgement to

The Deacon's Bench logo

The Deacon’s Bench

By The Reverend Deacon Janice Maloney-Brooks “For I was hungry, and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink. I was

Feeding Fort Erie

by Laura Arseneau  Hunger is all around us. You just can’t always see it.  ‘Kay’ moved to Fort Erie to escape an abusive situation and

The Beatitudes, at St. Luke’s Smithville

by Jim Higginson  During the Easter season, St. Luke’s, Smithville displays a series of images depicting the Stations of the Cross. When these are taken

The Clarence I knew …

by Canon William Thomas Clarence was the most pastoral cleric I have ever known.   I met him first as the father of the two

My Hero

Clarence Mitchell was my hero. I first met him when I was seven years old. He had just been appointed rector of my home parish

Bishop Clarence Mitchell 1925–2019

Bishop Clarence Malcolm Mitchell, retired suffragan bishop of the diocese of Niagara, died  December 17, 2019. He was 94. “Bishop Clarence was a faithful and

2019 Order of Niagara

Calling it “one of my most favourite of all the services in our diocese”, Bishop Susan Bell conferred the Order of Niagara on the following

Upcycled Dinner

The Church of the Apostles in Guelph welcomed 70 people to enjoy a free Upcycled Dinner. The Upcycled Dinner focused on food waste and food

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