Chi Rho Sunday celebrations

Two hundred people crowded in St. George’s Guelph for a choral Evensong to mark, with thanksgiving, the 70th anniversary of Chi Rho Fellowship in that parish. Photo: Elaine Tucker
 on November 27, 2018

Two hundred people, from Guelph and surrounding communities gathered at St. George’s Guelph on Sunday, October 28th to celebrate the 70th anniversary of Chi Rho fellowship in that parish.

Two hundred people crowded in St. George’s Guelph for a choral Evensong to mark, with thanksgiving, the 70th anniversary of Chi Rho Fellowship in that parish. Photo: Elaine Tucker

The afternoon began with Robert Jewell playing the Carillon, filling the streets with beautiful hymns, calling people to worship at 4:00 p.m.

After Gerry Manning’s organ recital, worship continued with a choral Evensong. “Nostalgia was evident as happy memories of one’s own Christian family life and how Evensong had influenced one’s early life,” reported Elaine Tucker, Chair of the 70th Anniversary Committee.

To commemorate their 70th anniversary, Chi Rho donated a garden bench to St. George’s. It is placed at the front of the church to welcome passers-by to rest and relax awhile. Lee Allan demonstrates. Photo: Elaine Tucker

After Evensong, Chi Rho members hosted a wine and cheese reception for all attendees.

“The success of this event has encouraged us to pursue similar occasions in the future,” Elaine stated.

Bob Bould, Jessie Bould, Marg Ready, Joyce Wilburn and Wallie Ready attended the special Sunday events marking the 70th anniversary of Chi Rho at St. George’s. Photo: Elaine Tucker

Later the celebration continued as the Chi Rho fellowship enjoyed their 70th anniversary dinner, filled with memories of special moments over the ages presented by several long-term members.