by Chuck Williamson
No Sermon, no charge. All you need is an appetite!

Our community dinner is six years old. We’d like to say we started slowly but we didn’t: at the first dinner we served over 70 people and it has been consistent since then!
Our signature entrée was spaghetti and meat balls, but we’ve expanded to include turkey, ham, pulled pork, homemade baked beans, hamburgers and fresh corn, all lovingly prepared from scratch.
We have simple advertising: announcements in the local papers, flyers at the laundromat and food bank, and a sign in front of our church.
Many of our parishioners work diligently in the kitchen, and most of our guests are people in the community, not affiliated with our Church or any other—they join us to enjoy the fellowship of our simple monthly meal!
Leftovers even disappear, to be enjoyed the following day.

Embraced by the people of All Saints in the spirit of mission and outreach, all free will offerings in excess of our costs go back into the community to help local support programs.
Great joy is experienced by the volunteers each month as we host our guests of such a wide variety of ages and backgrounds!
Chuck Williamson is Treasurer of All Saints Erin.
The Reality of Post-Secular Canada