For the future and wellbeing of our Church today, we need leaders educated in the field of Progressive Christianity to help us in Niagara to transition the expression of our faith back to the understanding, faith and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth.
We need to listen, read and take to heart the words of our leaders in our evolving church, those of Matthew Fox, Michael Morwood, David Felton and well-known others.
They courageously speak out as progressive theologians regarding the critical need to replace our presently misleading services of worship, especially the prayers and creeds, and to center our gatherings with stimuli for intensive listening prayer overflowing into joyful song, dance and compassionate action.
We do not need to reinvent this transition. It has already taken place in churches round the globe and available to us in Niagara through the internet.
The words are already written. We only need to choose with eco-centric, knowledgeable, inspired minds centered on the wisdom and faith of Jesus.
Different focus on worship needed
For the future and wellbeing of our Church today, we need leaders educated in the field of Progressive Christianity to help us in Niagara to transition the expression of our faith back to the understanding, faith and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth.
We need to listen, read and take to heart the words of our leaders in our evolving church, those of Matthew Fox, Michael Morwood, David Felton and well-known others.
They courageously speak out as progressive theologians regarding the critical need to replace our presently misleading services of worship, especially the prayers and creeds, and to center our gatherings with stimuli for intensive listening prayer overflowing into joyful song, dance and compassionate action.
We do not need to reinvent this transition. It has already taken place in churches round the globe and available to us in Niagara through the internet.
The words are already written. We only need to choose with eco-centric, knowledgeable, inspired minds centered on the wisdom and faith of Jesus.
Heather-Joy Brinkman
The official communications channel of the Anglican Diocese of Niagara.
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