After eight years as Editor of the Niagara Anglican, the Reverend Hollis Hiscock completed his ministry as editor on August 31, 2019.
After being appointed by Bishop Michael Bird in August 2011, Hollis began his work as Editor, starting with the preparation for and publishing of the October 2011 Niagara Anglican.
In making the official announcement, the diocesan press release read, “Hollis has served in this role with distinction and dedication since 2011. His contribution to the life of our diocese has been characterized by creativity, faithfulness and a deep commitment to telling our stories at parish and diocesan levels well. We are grateful for his ministry over the years and wish him every blessing in his role as Interim Pastor at St. Luke’s Palermo.”
In his first Niagara Anglican as Editor, he engaged “In conversation with …” himself. Over the years he would employ this method of communications as a very effective conversation discourse.
To the comment, “sounds like you have a huge task ahead of you”, he responded, “If it depended on me alone, I would probably feel overwhelmed, but I am part of a talented team of people who are committed to employing their skills to continue and further enhance the communication goals of the whole Diocese. Likewise, we hope that people in parishes throughout the Diocese will accept ownership of the paper and website, and will critique, contribute and support these and other communications media. In essence, we are responding to and fulfilling the commission Jesus gave to his disciples (and us) to bring God’s good news to people everywhere. After all, that is the mission and ministry of the Church, and that is our focus as well.”
After ministering as an ordained priest in Toronto Diocese and two of the three Newfoundland-Labrador dioceses, Hollis came to Niagara Diocese when he retired (the first time) in 2007.
Being Editor provided him with unique opportunities to get to know Niagara and make a contribution to the life of the church through print and other media.
Hollis wishes to thank the hundreds of people — staff colleagues, writers, contributors, board members, volunteers, advertisers and others — who have made his journey as Editor more than one could ask for or imagine.
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