As we invite everyone in the Diocese of Niagara to try at least One Thing that will strengthen and deepen our relationship with God it’s good to note that while there are workshops and group experiences being offered, that ‘One Thing’ might be undertaken privately or in a time that fits into your own busy schedule. Below are just a few resources and ideas we want to recommend, a fuller list will be available on the website and facebook page.
Books to read:
- Meeting Jesus Again for the First Time by Marcus Borg
- An Altar In the World by Barbara Brown Taylor
- The Shape of Living by David Ford
- The Sacred Meal By Nora Gallagher
- The Way of the Heart by Henri Nouwen
- Falling Upward: a Spirituality for the Two Halves of Life by Fr. Richard Rohr.
- The Divine Dance: The Trinity and Your Transformation by Fr. Richard Rohr
- Holy Living: The Christian Tradition for Today by Rowan Williams
- Being Christian: Baptism, Bible, Eucharist, Prayer by Rowan Williams
Blogs to Follow:
- The webpage for the centre for Action and Contemplation, includes the reflections of Fr. Richard Rohr.
Movies / DVDs to watch:
- The Miracle Maker by Murray Watts. This beautifully animated movie tells the story of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection in a way accessible to people of all ages.
- The Nativity Story brings the story of the incarnation to life and highlights the challenges faced by Joseph and Mary.
- Risen starring Joseph Fiennes tells the story of the resurrection through the eyes of a Roman centurion.
- Romero starring Raul Julia, tells the story of Saint Oscar Romero, Archbishop of El Salvador, and how his faith motivated his care for the poor and work for justice which led to his assassination.
Anglican daily prayer
If you have a copy of the B.A.S. you might choose to try a form of daily prayer which can be found on pages 110 – 128. If you want help learning to use this form of prayer, speak to your parish clergy.
Alternatively, you can go to the website for the Church of England and they will provide you each day with the appropriate prayers and readings:
Apps to download:
- Prayer Notes: Daily Diary helps you keep track of those you promise to pray for!
- Desktop Verse makes a Bible verse appear on your desktop each day as a source of prayer, or inspiration.
Ideas for more resources are available from our webpage
Lent Beyond Sacrifice: Discovering the Prejudice of Love