Foster parents extraordinaire

St. Michael’s Rector Sheila Van Zandwyk attended the dinner where Velma and Radcliff Worrell were honoured for being foster parents to 32 children over 15 years. Photo: Sharon Worrell
 on December 10, 2018

Radcliff and Velma Worrell have been foster parents to 32 children over the past 15 years.

They attend St. Michael’s Hamilton, and according to Rector Sheila Van Zandwyk, “together they have been a strong team providing nurture, support, stability and a loving family home.”

Worrell Velma and RadcliffOct. 2018
St. Michael’s Rector Sheila Van Zandwyk attended the dinner where Velma and Radcliff Worrell were honoured for being foster parents to 32 children over 15 years. Photo: Sharon Worrell

Sheila congratulated Velma and Radcliff and thanked them “for the love of Christ you have witnessed to in your life by opening up your home to so many children.”

Velma and Radcliff were honoured at a dinner at the Catholic Children’s Aid Society.