Forty-six people, representing as many parishes, were inducted into the Order of Niagara at a standing room only worship service in Christ’s Church Cathedral Hamilton.
“Our laypeople are the heartbeat of our church and it’s just great to honour their ministry in this way,” said Bishop Susan Bell about her first Order of Niagara induction service.

The recipients’ ministries ranged from teaching Sunday School, to caring for or improving facilities, to leading worship and including the myriad of activities which make the church unfrozen in the mission of God’s people at the parish, diocesan and worldwide levels.
“Your service is truly the service of God, and your ministry, that of angels,” Bishop Susan said in setting the tone of thanksgiving and celebration for the new Order of Niagara members, as well as in referencing all lay people in the church.
In the same service Archdeacon Michael Patterson was collated as the Regional Archdeacon for Trafalgar. His appointment marks a return to archidiaconal ministry, as Michael previously served as the Archdeacon of Niagara during his tenure as diocesan executive officer.
“Archdeacons,” according to the diocesan website, “serve the church within our diocese by taking responsibility for buildings, including church buildings, the welfare of clergy and their families and the implementation of diocesan policy within the region to which they are assigned.”
The Reality of Post-Secular Canada