This is the evocative and hope-filled name of a refreshed stewardship initiative within our diocese to support the many ministries and programs shared by parishes and those we serve.
“The Church was born of fire,” writes Bishop Susan Bell, “just as tongues of fire descended on the disciples in the upper room at Pentecost, and they were given the gift of the Holy Spirit to go and join and carry-on God’s mission of love in the world, we are commissioned in the same way to carry that mission forward.”

Ignite: Faith in the Future brings together our efforts to support for children, youth and families; refugees, migrant farmworkers, under one banner, with fewer asks for support and stronger and improved communications. Missional endeavours such as the Chinese Anglican Mission in Oakville, as well as faith formation, truth and reconciliation and anti-racism activities will also be supported through this initiative.
Bishop Bell says the new name also makes a bold commitment. “It’s a statement of confidence in God’s church – that the ministries we support with intention now will flourish long into the future. It is also a statement that faith is being ignited in and through works of love and mercy in our parish communities up and down the diocese.”
Through the pandemic, it has been clear that there are many generous people in the diocese who want to support their parish as well as the wider diocesan community, something which was heard through surveys and the town halls held to inform the diocesan Mission Action Plan.
The name Ignite and its tagline, Faith in the Future, were chosen through a survey shared with a variety of people from across our diocese, including licensed lay workers and clergy, diocesan committee volunteers, synod council members, and parishioners.
“Ignite is a great metaphor,” said one survey respondent. “It’s one we already use in everyday speech, like, “Ignites my imagination.” It’s lively, dramatic, and punchy. With the tagline of “Faith in the Future,” it’s us in the present with having faith in our future, and it’s a look at what faith may look like in the future.”
Quarterly updates along with Niagara Anglican articles and a dedicated website will provide timely information on the impact parishes, individual volunteers, and donors are making through these ministries and programs we as a diocese are committed to. Updates will also provide information on ways parishes and individuals can participate in supporting these initiatives, be that through their time, skills, finances, or a combination of these.
Like other Anglican dioceses and federated charities, such as the United Way, having one banner for many ministries and programs will simplify and improve communications and reporting. It will also prevent confusion and the many different appeals for support.
Through this renewed approach to diocesan stewardship, guided by Gillian Doucet Campbell, Ignite: Faith in the Future will offer parishes and parishioners regular updates and an easy way to support the many ways God at work in and through and beyond the diocese.
“To ignite something is to bring together fuel and fire. It’s to create illumination and energy. It speaks of intention —our intention to share the Gospel through works of faith in our diocese—to ignite the love of neighbour that we know lives in human hearts and is drawn out and blessed by Jesus,” observed Bishop Bell. “Giving to support this initiative is another way to bless the communities we are in.”
To learn more about the many ministries and programs featured through the Ignite or to sign up for the quarterly newsletter please visit
The Reality of Post-Secular Canada