Meaningful Gift Giving with PWRDF

 on December 8, 2020

By Kerry Lubrick

“He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” (Micah 6:8). 

After much discernment and self-education, earlier this year I accepted the bishop’s appointment as our diocesan PWRDF representative because it matched my faith and commitment to my baptismal vow to “strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being.” 

Like many in our diocese, I was aware of PWRDF as a ministry of the Anglican Church in Canada but was not up to date on the activities here in Canada and globally. What I can tell you from my learning and participation is that PWRDF is a critical and relevant organization more today than ever before. This is why I support PWRDF along with so many others in our diocese and beyond. I also invite you to give again to PWRDF or for the first time. 

Why support PWRDF? Well, there are so many reasons. For instance, according to a recent article by Bloomberg, millions are suffering hunger as a secondary impact of the coronavirus. This is where PWRDF and your prayers and financial donations assist in lowering these impacts. 

In Burundi, 57% of children under five are malnourished. With the COVID-19 pandemic, PWRDF partner Village Health Works (VHW) had to restructure how they serve the moms and children in the surrounding communities. VHW staff load up a car with bags full of supplementation porridge, scales, measuring devices, soap, note pads, gloves and buckets to meet with moms and babies in rural areas. Quite a few women themselves are not well and therefore are unable to breastfeed. Supplements are distributed to dozens of women and children who depend on VHW for sustenance and to keep their children’s development in check. 

Food security—especially during the pandemic—is a critical part of the work carried out by PWRDF.

With Christmas fast approaching, think about giving gifts of food security (e.g. goats, trees, farms, water pumps) or other supports like an indigenous shawl, COVID-19 clinics or entrepreneurial help to start a business, on behalf of loved ones and friends. We all have that person in our life for whom it is hard buy a gift. Why not provide them with a meaningful gift? You can shop 24/7 with PWRDF’s World of Gifts at

Some of the gifts are even matched by the Government of Canada. For example, your gift of $30 to keep a clinic safe with COVID-19 equipment is matched 6:1, turning into $210. Gifts to PWRDF’s equity in the Canadian Foodgrains Bank are used for emergency relief and can be matched up to four times. Your gift of $60 could turn into $300 when emergency strikes. 

As we naturally think about our ministry in faith, we partner to care for God’s world locally by giving to our parish, as well as providing for the community where we live through such services as the local food bank or a diocesan ministry like the Migrant Farmworkers Project. But it’s important to think globally too, and that’s where our commitment to PWRDF comes in. 

Thank you sincerely to those that keep PWRDF in their prayers, and to those who donate. It really is incredible the difference we are making together.

Visit and make your gifts online 24/7, or call 1-877-936-9199 to speak with PWRDF today.