Mission Action Planning Update #3

 on October 22, 2019

We are beginning to see our diligent research, analysis and prayerful discernment take the shape of a Mission Action Plan. We still have many steps to take and people to hear from before we are ready to present the plan to Synod in November. We feel confident that our process of discovery and discernment at the Diocese of Niagara has been inclusive and thorough. 


Those who were able to attend our reflection and discernment on Sunday, September 8th had the opportunity to gather, reflect and worship together. The event at the Cathedral, Come Down to the River and Pray, allowed us to ground our Mission Action Planning process in prayer. 

As we listen to God’s Call for this diocese during this Season of Transition and begin to discern our Vision and Mission, we ask you to pray with all of us in the Diocese of Niagara:

Mission Action Planning Prayer

Beloved God, we are your people,
faithfully living into the way of Jesus
yet, a people asking questions and uneasy about the future.
We are also a people of the story,
inspired by visions of renewal and transformation.
In the opportunity presented by uncertainty,
we gather as a people hungry for a renewed mission.
Be with us, we pray,
as we open our hearts to linger in your presence.
Free us from fear, and guide our journey as we seek
to co-create with you the compassionate kingdom.
Raise up in us words that enliven our hearts;
words that give power and rootedness to our missional call.
We ask all this in the name of Jesus. Amen

Thank You! We will be sending out MAP updates through our monthly Diocesan E-news, which you can sign up for at the Diocese of Niagara’s website, and through Facebook and Twitter.