National gathering of Anglican women

ACW Presidents, Past Present and Future (left to right): Rosemarie Kingston (new Vice President), Margaret Warwick (President 2017- ), Susan Kinney (past President), Terri Parrill (past past President), Marion Saunders (Convenor of National Gathering and President prior to Terri). Photos: Submitted
 on October 28, 2017

How delighted I was to find your article about our National Gathering of Anglican women in the pages of your September edition.

This was a rare opportunity for the women of the Anglican Church across the country to come together to share their ministry together, to learn from varied speakers and to share in fellowship times.

It was my honour to have had the responsibility of coordinating these four days of the Gathering.

Thank you most sincerely for featuring this event, the essence of which you have captured so well in your article.

Marion Saunders


National Gathering of Anglican Church Women.