New Deacons

 on October 31, 2019

Balint 2, Jody - 2019The Reverend Jodi Balint is continuing her ministry at St. John’s (Rockwood) as Deacon in Charge. She will also assume responsibilities as Pastoral Associate at St. Luke’s (Palermo). A graduate of Humber College and St. Michael’s College, she has tremendous history in Youth Ministry as well as working with the homeless and marginalized. She continues her Theological studies at Trinity College.

Coren, Michael - 2019The Reverend Michael Coren is a best-selling author, columnist, and broadcaster. While he will work in all aspects of ordained ministry, he strongly believes that there can be a vital symbiosis between media and priesthood, and as a deacon is looking forward to communicating and proclaiming the gospel. Most of all, he wants to be present to all who may need help, support, community and affirmation in their Christian lives. He currently worships at St. Martins-in-the-Field in Toronto; his post-ordination appointment had not been announced as of press time.

Steers. Judy - 2019The Reverend Judy Steers is Assistant Curate at St. John the Evangelist in Elora. She is a graduate of Ottawa University, St. Paul’s University Ottawa, The Centre for Christian Studies and Toronto School of Theology, and most recently Western University – MA (Theology). She has served in a number of Christian Education leadership positions, including 16 years as the Director of the Ask & Imagine program at Huron University College. She will also continue her ministry as Program/Partner Animator at Five Oaks Centre (Paris, Ontario).

Vander Berg, Ann - 2019The Reverend Deacon Ann Vander Berg serves at St. James Anglican Church (Dundas). She exercises her vocation by serving those who are sick, healing and dying in her full time work as a hospital chaplain. Within the parish, Ann will be involved with the development of new forms of church community with special attention to developing servant ministry. She assists the parish, region and Diocese will by offering teaching and facilitation in the area of pastoral care. A graduate of Waterloo Lutheran Seminary (currently known as Martin Luther University College), she is also certified as a Spiritual Care Practitioner through Clinical Pastoral Education with the Canadian Association of Spiritual Care.

Wallace, Fran - 2019The Reverend Fran Wallace has been appointed Deacon In Charge of St. Aidan’s (Oakville). A graduate of Trinity College, Fran is passionate about initial and on-going formation as apprentices/disciples of Jesus the Christ. As well as how we discern and respond to the call to God’s mission of love and justice. Her focus of ministry includes working with others to explore how we are being the church, through, with, and in Christ, to realize missional opportunities, and to connect with people and engage in pastoral care.