New Logo

 on April 28, 2017

newnalogosquareI must admit that Hollis Hiscock has a vivid imagination as he describes what he sees, or wishes to see, in your new logo. Unfortunately, I think he is only trying to justify the publication board’s choice.

To me it looks like it should be on a jam jar label.

I hope you didn’t pay a graphic design company thousands of dollars for that ordinary looking typeface in a green circle. That concept is a graphic that is currently in vogue, and will probably be replaced with some new “in vogue” design in a year or two; at that point your “new” logo will be out-of-date.

If that logo were standing by itself, and not printed on the Niagara Anglican newspaper, I would never associate it with anything Christian or the Anglican Community of Niagara. You should send it back to the drawing board for a total rethink.

Bob Sagness

[Editor’s note: The Niagara Anglican Publication Board wants our readers to know we “didn’t pay a graphic design company thousands of dollars.” The new logo was designed in-house.]