May 2022 Issue

May 2022 Issue Download Issue Walking in Right Relations By Judy Steers Mission in Action Christ’s Church Cathedral was urgently compelled to love and jump to action during this pandemic,…

November 2023 Issue

November 2023 Issue Download Issue A Dream Come True: The Story of All Saints Dain City Community Garden By Phyllis Jackson Input Needed for Diocesan Campaign Planning Study: Surveys can…

April 2024

April 2024 Download Issue Bishop Bell’s Message for Easter By Diocesan Communications The Migrant Farmworkers Project The diocesan Migrant Farmworkers Project is a hospitality missional ministry that provides parishes with…

May 2024

May 2024 Download Issue Open to the Spirit: A Children’s Story By John Bowen Annual Retreat Gathers Clergy & Lay Workers At the end of May, Bishop Susan Bell will…

More Than Stars in the Universe

…light which enlightens everyone” who has come into the world. The call of Christ has proven to be true for countless millions: “Come to me and you will find rest…

Annual Synod Convenes Online in November

…they might serve others. The passage also speaks about a time of testing. While the pandemic certainly tested us, our Mission Action Plan continues to focus us on the many…

Matthew 7:13-14 – Teaching about hard testing

…with whom we walk the highways of this world. We all are searching for the “happy life”, yet few of us are willing to actually embark on a road that…

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