Smudging and sprinkling—the beginning and the end

Canon Donna Bomberry led the smudging ceremony at Synod. Photo: Bill Mous
 on January 13, 2018

Smudging began Synod and sprinkling began the exodus into the world as Synod members left Christ’s Church Cathedral Hamilton to take their messages and actions back to their parishes and wider world.

synod smudging
Canon Donna Bomberry led the smudging ceremony at Synod. Photo: Bill Mous

The purpose of the smudging ceremony is to clear away negative energies so people can centre their full attention on the task at hand. As members gathered for their two days of receiving presentations and making plans for the future, they symbolically permitted the smudging smoke to enter their total selves.

synod Bishop sprinkling
Bishop Michael Sprinkling participants at the conclusion of the 143rd Synod. Photo: Marni Nancekivell

At the end of Synod, following the renewing of their baptismal covenant, two bishops walked among the delegates sprinkling them with water. Water became the sign of their commitment to take the good news of Jesus Christ with them as delegates continue their ministry and mission outside the walls of the structured church.

Lastly, Bishop Michael dispatched God’s people with his final blessing as the Bishop of Niagara’s regular Synod.