by Gillian Wood
Song of the Grand is an original musical presentation about two young couples in Dunnville on the Grand River in 1940.
Shortly after the couples marry the boys enlist in the Navy and Air Force and are sent overseas. The songs describe the love of the boys and their wives, their pain at their separation and their longing to be reunited.
The production honours all the courageous men and women who, while risking their lives, secured our freedom. It is a memorable production any time of the year, but was especially poignant on November 11.
George Hall wrote the music, lyrics and narration, he and Iris Rodrigues are the vocalists while Brahm Goldhamer was the pianist and singer. Narrator Canon Robert Brownlie told the story.
The amazing thing is that all this is donated by the group, at no charge, to help a church raise funds. They bring all their equipment including the piano and speaker system.
At St. Andrew’s Grimsby, we served a simple meal and had a wonderful display of WWII memorabilia brought in by our members. We had photos, uniforms, crutches, medals, flags, a hammock, sleeping bag, evacuee’s blanket and so much more. It was so exciting to see the things people found and the pleasure they had in going through their relatives’ memorabilia which they hadn’t looked at for years.
It was truly an evening to remember.
Gillian Wood attends St. Andrew’s Grimsby.
The Reality of Post-Secular Canada