Spreading the love

 on May 10, 2018

Ash Wednesday and Valentine’s Day occurred on the same day this year.

Churchwarden Sandra Harper of St. Paul’s Westdale in Hamilton described it, “As this year’s calendar events — both secular and liturgical— have, in a sense, collided.”
She and several other parishioners, with their Interim Pastor, The Venerable Jim Sandilands, took the opportunity to make it a way to “spread a little love” on February 14.

They stood on the sidewalk in front of St. Paul’s and handed out 100 red carnations to passers-by, wishing them a happy Valentine’s Day as well as a blessed Ash Wednesday.

Jim with flowers
Interim Pastor Jim Sandilands gave red carnations to university students, parents and neighbours outside St. Paul’s Westdale, wishing them a happy Valentine’s Day and a blessed Ash Wednesday on February 14, 2018. Photo: Submitted by Sandra Harper

In only half an hour, Sandra reported, all the carnations had been given away to university students on their way to mid-term exams, parents dropping children at the nearby daycare and neighbours starting their day.

“This small gesture was well received with many smiles, a few hugs and at least one photo!” noted Sandra.