St. James Trivia Night Supports ‘412’ Barton Project

 on January 24, 2023

Late last year, St. James Dundas held its first trivia night fundraiser in support of St. Matthew’s House ‘4Twelve’ Barton Project, the aim of which is to empower seniors and provide affordable  housing. People formed teams to answer multiple choice questions in five categories, all in great fun!

Delicious Avesta Kurdish pizza slices were served and the local Shed Brewery served and sold their craft beers and wines. As well, there were door prizes, a silent auction, and a 50/50 draw.

Several St. Matthew’s House staff attended, including Executive Director Renee Wetselaar and Chair of the Board David Savage. Renee delivered an excellent presentation about the services and the new housing program at St. Matthew’s House. All in attendance were moved by Renee’s talk and her caring approach in addressing the needs of all who suffer from homelessness. There were almost 100 attendees, including parishioners and friends of St. James. Trivia night was a fun social evening with opportunity to connect with others in the community.

The event raised $2,550 for the new housing initiative at St. Matthew’s House.




Right: Cheque presentation: From left to right: David Savage (Chair of the Board, St. Matthew’s House), Diana Sneath (trivia night coordinator, St. James parishioner), Terese Herron (Rector’s Warden, St. James), Canon Leslie Gerlofs, (Rector, St. James), Renee Wetselaar (Executive Director, St. Matthew’s House).