Summer releases pent-up creative energy

Meditating on God’s mountain. In ancient times Mount Sinai, where Moses received the Ten Commandments, was considered the place where God lived. Only once did Hollis spent time at the summit of God’s mountain contemplating his relationship with God. However, through his photographs, other media and his memories he can return for the same purpose. Each person can find their favourite place — in reality, through a picture or their mind’s eye — to ponder their relationship with God and people. Photo: Hollis Hiscock
 on May 28, 2019

Summer provides us with unique opportunities and perspectives.

It takes us away from the storms of winter and the uncertainties of spring, and casts us into fresh physical situations and thought processes.

Summer reboots our living styles, and perhaps more importantly, our attitudes. It inspires us to look outside and inside ourselves and to contemplate fully on the meaning and direction of life.

Whether you stand by the edge of a stream casting incessantly for the elusive fish or have the gentle wind nudge your boat aimlessly, you are gifted moments in which to think or dream.

Spreading and watching paint dry generates moments for imaginative creativity, problem solving or constructive planning.

Gardening, even with countless weeds to be uprooted, enables you to pursue philosophical discerning or behavioral stocktaking.

Whether in real situations or through one’s imagination, summer delivers the backdrop for our minds to run rampant, by releasing the never-ending supply of creative energy which was locked away in our mental storehouses all winter.

You get away from it all through actual life connections or by using your powerful mental images to create an atmosphere of fishing, painting, gardening or similar activity. Consequently, your total wellbeing may be enhanced by employing a variety of these or similar summer exercises. 

Begin with yourself 

  • Look deep within your being. 
  • Examine your thinking and actions. 
  • Let your memory retrace the events of the past weeks. 
  • How did you react to different situations? 
  • What did you do when faced with stress, personal problems, negative feelings from a colleague or co-worker? 
  • What words did you use in all these situations? 
  • What was your reaction to these words? 
  • Did you think …” I should have said it differently?” or “If I had another chance, I would have said … “

When you are satisfied that you have really examined every aspect of your being and you have decided where you are in life, then retrace your steps and decide how you would like to have reacted, by word and speech in the same situation.

Since life has a way of replaying events, you will probably have an opportunity soon to put into action the objectives you have set for yourself.

Think outside yourself

  • What are you doing for your family, friends, colleagues and community? 
  • What changes should be made? 
  • What would you like to do? 
  • What group, club or association would you like to join?
  • Where would you like to make a contribution?
  •  For what would you like to be remembered?

Slowly mull over your options. 

Find out what you need to do. 



Summer encourages flexibility 

You are not expected to be as systematic in your meditation as it appears in print.

When opportunities present themselves, retrieve the process from your mind’s bank and do it again. 

By September, you should have gone through the total process, and made some definite decisions on where you want to be going.

Have fun. 

Enjoy the experience. 

Let thoughts flow through you like a gentle rain cascading down the hillside. 

Understand what is happening to you. As summer fades your mind, body and spirit could shine brighter than the sunniest summer day.

Just as our physical body needs food, rest and activity to function properly, so the rest of our nature – be it mind, spirit, soul, inner being or whatever other label you wish to attach – needs the same attention to operate at its optimum level.

Summer, because of its seemingly slower pace with appropriate attitudinal or activity changes, offers golden opportunities to clean out the wastable, decide on the desirable and achieve the attainable.

You can do it! Go for it!

hollis-for-hollistorial-adj-clippedHollis Hiscock welcomes your comments. 

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