At its final meeting of 2019, Secretary of Synod Bill Mous expressed thanks to members for their leadership, and thanked outgoing members. Canon Christyn Perkons updated synod council about the Mission Action Plan (MAP) and the changes made as a result of the feedback received at synod. It is anticipated that the approval of the MAP will be considered by synod council in January.
Synod council also considered and approved two new policies for its meetings, an In Camera Session Policy and an Electronic Voting Policy.
Meeting as the Anglican Church Ministries Foundation, Niagara, synod council elected directors for the foundation as well as appointed auditors for the 2019 fiscal year. The Foundation was established in 2002 for the purpose of holding investments, including rectory funds and parish endowment funds. There is currently $22 million dollars held by the Foundation, managed by Russell Investments.
Other business included the appointment of new members to the diocesan audit committee, approving vestry date extensions for two parishes, authorizing diocesan signing officers for 2020, and approving the annual funding allocation for the WOW grants process.
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