Synod News

Adam MacNeil from the Church of the Resurrection Hamilton led the music at the 144th Niagara Synod. Photo: Hollis Hiscock
 on December 27, 2018

Wrapped in the Eucharist

The one-day synod was organized around the Holy Eucharist. The Bible readings, prayers, hymns, consecration prayer, distribution of communion and final blessing were interspersed throughout the seven-hour synod.

Appropriately, the opening hymn was Let Us Build A House Where Love Can Dwell (and all are welcome) and at the end we were sent out into the world with the challenge to, Lift High The Cross, The Love Of Christ Proclaim.


Chancellor Greg Tweeny reported that 71 clergy of a possible 94 (75%) and 132 of 185 (71%) laypeople registered for the 144th Niagara Synod. All but one parish was represented.


Treasurer Jody Beck and Chair of the Bishop’s Decennial Inspection Committee Terry Charters were named Honorary Lay Canons of Christ’s Church Cathedral. They will lead a new committee to explore all aspects of the diocesan property portfolio.


The Reverend Canon Stuart Pike reported on the 19 years of partnership in mission between Niagara and Cuba dioceses. Even though the future is uncertain, “we have built friendships that will remain,” he said.